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FAQ - Questions & answers

Is the open source, free, community version bounded?

No, the iTop community version does not limit the number of users of the number of CIs within the CMDB

What is an iTop subscription?

It is a contract that includes a product package with software maintenance (bug fix), user assistance services at a bronze, silver or gold level and the access right to the ITSM Designer.

How can I have access to the ITSM Designer?

It is part of the Essential or Professional subscriptions

Can I use iTop freely?

Yes, you can download the community version from SourceForge

Why choose iTop?

Because it’s top and because of Combodo’s unique style

- See all FAQ on iTop

Contact us

If you are not a Combodo customer, the recommended way to get some support about iTop is via the SourceForge Forums. If you don’t get any answer from the community, you may leave us a message using the form below. Be aware that Combodo has no committment to answer such support questions. Combodo only offers some "best effort" support as a courtesy to the community.

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