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07/07/2016 Tags : iTop

The version 2.3.0 of iTop is now available. It is a major release with several exciting new features. Don’t wait to download and deploy it.

Download iTop 2.3.0

What’s new in 2.3.0 ?

New Customer Portal

The customer portal has been completely redesigned to provide a responsive user interface and a fully modular (XML-driven) configuration. You can keep the old portal if you wish, but the new portal is really worth a try.

Navigation Breadcrumb

Navigate with ease in iTop using the breadcrumb at the top of each page to quickly go back to your most recent actions.

Rich Text Formatting

Ticket descriptions and case logs now support rich text formatting and embedded images. Moreover the full-screen button brings you the comfort to craft detailed answers to the tickets.

Custom Date and Time Formats

Date and time formats can now be configured for each language. Imports and exports fully support such custom formats. For more information about the available formats, have a look at the parameter ’date_and_time_format’ in the configuration file.

Bug fixes

More than 50 bugs have been fixed in this release, making iTop greater than ever. Have a look at the release note for the complete details.

How to upgrade?

Have a look at the wiki for explanations about the exact upgrade procedure.

A word of caution
If you are using one of the extensions "Ticket Creation from eMail" or "Email Reply", wait until the new version of the extension (supporting iTop 2.3.0) is available before upgrading.

What’s next?

We’ve been working hard to deliver this release and provide a smooth upgrade, but some of the extensions still require some more work to be fully comptatible with the new iTop version. If you are using the extension "Email Reply" or "Ticket Creation from eMail" stay tuned. There will be new version of these extensions before the end of August.

Feel free to download and install iTop 2.3.0. If you like the application don’t hesitate to give us a ’Thumb up’ on SourceForge!